UKRI STFC Tender Opportunities Service

STFC funds the UK’s contribution to international Big Science facilities. As part of this, STFC provides free assistance to UK companies to access tender opportunities at these facilities.

Opportunities exist in two main categories – supplies and services. For the purposes of registering for STFC’s assistance in accessing the opportunities, supplies and services are defined as follows:

  • Services: provision of activities to be carried out on-site by contracted personnel
  • Supplies: all other opportunities

To be eligible for STFC’s support, the following criteria apply:

  • Services: a company must be established in the UK
  • Supplies: a company must manufacture in the UK, or the products must undergo their last major transformation (including components and sub-assemblies) within the UK

If you are not sure whether your company is eligible, or if you would like to discuss the last major transformation, then please contact us.

For more information on how STFC could help your company, please visit UK Industrial Liaison Office – Accelerating UK Industry